dibuat oleh Espressif Systems, ESP32 adalah sistem dengan biaya yang
rendah, berdaya rendah pada seri chip (SoC) dengan Wi-Fi & kemampuan
Bluetooth dua mode! Keluarga ESP32 termasuk chip ESP32-D0WDQ6 (dan
ESP32-D0WD), ESP32-D2WD, ESP32-S0WD, dan sistem dalam paket (SiP)
ESP32-PICO-D4. Pada intinya, ada mikroprosesor Tensilica Xtensa LX6
dual-core atau single-core dengan clock rate hingga 240 MHz. ESP32 sudah
terintegrasi dengan built-in antenna switches, RF balun, power
amplifier, low-noise receive amplifier, filters, and power management
modules. Didesain untuk perangkat seluler, perangkat elektronik yang
dapat dipakai, dan aplikasi IoT, ESP32 juga bekerja dengan konsumsi daya
sangat rendah melalui fitur hemat daya termasuk fine resolution clock
gating, multiple power modes, and dynamic power scaling.
ESP32 merupakan penerus dari module ESP8266 yang cukup populer untuk
Aplikasi IoT. Pada ESP32 terdapat inti CPU serta Wi-Fi yang lebih cepat,
GPIO yang lebih, dan mendukung Bluetooth Low Energy.
Berikut ini adalah Arsitektur dan Block Diagram dari ESP32 :
Fitur dan Spesifikasi ESP32:
- Processors:
- Main processor: Tensilica Xtensa 32-bit LX6 microprocessor
- Cores: 2 or 1 (depending on variation)
- Clock frequency: up to 240 MHz
- Performance: up to 600 DMIPS
- Ultra low power co-processor: allows you to do ADC conversions, computation, and level thresholds while in deep sleep.
- Wireless connectivity:
- Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n/e/i (802.11n @ 2.4 GHz up to 150 Mbit/s)
- Bluetooth: v4.2 BR/EDR and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Memory:
- Internal memory:
- ROM: 448 KiB
- SRAM: 520 KiB
- RTC fast SRAM: 8 KiB
- RTC slow SRAM: 8 KiB
- eFuse: 1 Kibit
- Embedded flash:
- 0 MiB (ESP32-D0WDQ6, ESP32-D0WD, and ESP32-S0WD chips)
- 2 MiB (ESP32-D2WD chip)
- 4 MiB (ESP32-PICO-D4 SiP module)
- External flash & SRAM: ESP32 supports up to four 16 MiB external QSPI flashes and SRAMs with hardware encryption based on AES to protect developers' programs and data. ESP32 can access the external QSPI flash and SRAM through high-speed caches.
- Up to 16 MiB of external flash are memory-mapped onto the CPU code space, supporting 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit access. Code execution is supported.
- Up to 8 MiB of external flash/SRAM memory are mapped onto the CPU data space, supporting 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit access. Data-read is supported on the flash and SRAM. Data-write is supported on the SRAM.
- Peripheral input/output:
- Rich peripheral interface with DMA that includes capacitive touch, ADCs (analog-to-digital converter), DACs (digital-to-analog converter), I²C (Inter-Integrated Circuit), UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter), CAN 2.0 (Controller Area Network), SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), I²S (Integrated Inter-IC Sound), RMII (Reduced Media-Independent Interface), PWM (pulse width modulation), and more.
- Security:
- IEEE 802.11 standard security features all supported, including WFA, WPA/WPA2 and WAPI
- Secure boot
- Flash encryption
- 1024-bit OTP, up to 768-bit for customers
- Cryptographic hardware acceleration: AES, SHA-2, RSA, elliptic curve
- cryptography (ECC), random number generator (RNG).
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